I have no idea what I have been up to, but I do think it’s been enough. I’ve just been busy back here, keeping busy with Steve and doing things around Brockville, and getting things done with here in Brockville and so on. My friend Kat had her baby, Arianna Dawn, a little bit ago so I’ve been keeping updated on that, and it’s pretty exciting for her. Heh. One day I’ll have to go visit her and her new baby. I’ve been working on my website as well, along with my work portfolio website, so it’s been keeping me busy at most. Steve has not been out filming that much lately, he’s been working like crazy so his time for filming has been cut down lately. Fun...though we both decided to go out to Prescott to film and take pictures, and I do remember being totally not in the mood to do it at all, though it was a nice area. I think I probably wasn’t in the mood to take pictures, as I wanted to do something different, but it can be hard to sometimes. Heh...funny. I got some good pictures though, going at the waterfront in Prescott and taking pictures of the lighthouses in the area.
I’ve also been trying to keep the place clean, as I really didn’t want to get sick again but it’s been tough. I’ve also finally got WordPress to automate my blog entries so that I didn’t always have to copy and paste them to my website, but I just added it on and I’m still seeing if I like it so far. I’m not used to the design but I’ll figure out how to make it more mine after a while, after playing around with the code. Hopefully I’ll get somewhere. Heh.
The other day I went to Richmond with Steve so he could get his car worked on, as his trunk was not able to be opened, his trunk latch was broken and then his key wouldn’t work in it. So we went out to Richmond, and grabbed something to eat for brunch at a nearby local diner while they looked in his car and just talked. It was a nice brunch, and now he has to go back the following Tuesday to get the trunk latch replaced. Oh joy. I have to go with him so it’s not much fun, but it has to be done. I’ve also been keeping busy watching movies and TV episodes, and running errands for disability getting my affairs in order and the such like, and just trying to figure out what else I like doing for my free time. I’ve been getting restless lately and I keep wanting to do something, only I can’t think of what I want to do, unfortunately. I think it’s because it’s the weather, it’s almost summer, but it’s still winter so it is making me a little stir crazy. I can’t stand the winters unfortunately, I often don’t want to go out in the snow so it sucks very much. *smile* And for a long time I was doing stuff that my ex-husband liked, so it’s hard to figure out what I want to do and what I like to do. I have to figure that part out. I know what I like to do for my quiet times, reading, writing, catching good movies and TV, and the such like. I also clean, but I can’t really think of something that really gets me passionate and really wanting to do. I used to love going out with buddies and friends and having fun, but now it’s a little hard because my friends aren’t local, they haven’t been since I moved to Kingston. So it’s tricky. I do need to figure out something I want to do truly, which is a true challenge. Heh.
What else? Not too much I don’t think. There’s been a bit of craziness with receiving letters in the mail, where the government wanted to confirm I was still separated and not living with my ex husband again, for GST information. Oh well, so I received it from my mom who came by to visit a couple of weekends ago, in the end of February I believe, she dropped it off for me. We all went to Swiss Chalet for supper and just caught up and told them all about what was going on back here and so on, and then had a quiet night in. Then after that I had to read the whole tax envelope I got, and it said to get two written letters from two professionals that knew me personally, to confirm that I haven’t lived with my ex in the entire time we were separated, and so on. My mom got one letter from my family doctor already for me, so that was easy enough, but I had to figure out who else would know. I could go and see Kat and have her confirm but because she was busy being pregnant and I didn’t want to drive back to Ottawa when I had just come back from her shower; so I thought of disability – I have been paid monthly with the exclusion of my ex-husband and they would know. So I went in and had them sign the papers, and that was all done with. I had to enclose my separation agreement papers as well as those two letters, along with bills that showed how much it cost before and after the separation, which was ridiculous. It was a lot actually, so oh well. :/ But I got it over and done with, and then soon I got a letter from disability to make sure that I was actually roommates with Steve and so on, so it was interesting, but that part is almost over and done with and will be dropping it off on Monday. I’m so tired of all the forms and letters I have to fill out. *laughs* There’s just so much! Let’s see how the last one will work, so yay me. I need a load off my mind, that’s for sure.
I sure don’t have much to say, but it’s been quite sleepy back here other than a few trips and visits out of town here and there.