Anyway, so the day of the Sens game, Steve was working, and then took off from work early so that we could go driving to the Scotiabank Place where they were playing, and we did. I have personally not gone to a NHL game live before, so it was something I was looking forward to. I have gone to the Blue Jays game at the Skydome, but never to a NHL game, so it was something new for me. *smile* We ended up with tickets that landed us in the very back of the stadium, and it was crazily full. I wasn't expecting that. *laughs* But it was cool, and being there for the first time for the playoffs was pretty cool too. We got there, got our seats and then ordered something fast for our dinner there, as we didn't eat before we left. We left around 4 something so we hadn't eaten supper yet. So we just ordered some pizza and munched on it before the game started; and the stadium was crazily full. I was not used to being so cramped up with other people, but after a little bit I got used to it. Steve was yelling the entire game and I wasn't used to seeing him like that, as he's not exactly the most out there type of guy, but when it came to the game, and his team, the Sens, he really was out there, so it was interesting for me to watch him be like that in public. I knew he was like that normally, as he's always like that at home when he watches the game, all gung-ho about the Sens and them winning, and so on. It was just funny to see him like that at the game, yelling along with other really loud fans, so it was crazy. I really am glad I cannot hear. *laughs*
After a little while I had to join in with everybody yelling for the Sens...(I mostly just waved my towel, not yelled) but of course they lost the game, and much to Steve's sadness, they also lost the last game, so they aren't in the playoffs anymore. So it's all okay. It was still fun to go and watch the game, and see how full the stadium was, full of people waving the towels that were provided in each seat and just seeing everyone go wild. Steve even made up signs that he picked up at the dollar store, and just was being silly. One sign was a For Sale sign, and below it, said: "One NYR Team"...figures, and the other sign said "Hey, New York...Got Your Golf Clubs Ready?" Sheesh. It was nothing new, and he made me hold one of them up, so it was just silly. He even had me wear one of his Sens shirts, which was signed by Chris Phillips before, and one of his Sens caps, and he wore the same, just not a signed jersey. He even bought some stickers from the dollar store and made me wear them on my face. That wasn't much fun, as it was very itchy, but it was just silly and what he wanted to do... Normal!
Leaving the parking lot from the game was crazy, I think it took us 45 minutes to finally get out of the parking lot. Then we finally headed back home and just crashed. It was an interesting night that's for sure. *smile*
The next little bit was a little bit busy, with me visiting my mom here and there for dinner and just saying hi, and the such like, so it was not too bad. I was also always so tired and was a little frustrated with being so tired and sore all the time, and I had noticed that I was gaining weight again, and my mom was asking if it was the same medication that I had taken before that didn't work, (which I do believe it was) as it wasn't the same brand that I used before for my thyroid, which was Eltroxin, it was a different one but they said was similiar and should work the same...I had it for the past three months, and I was slowly going downhill and when I told my mom how much I weighed now, she said that I had gained weight, but I couldn't remember, as I was so tired and so disoriented all the time, and it was hard to keep track of anything. When it was time to refill my medication, my mom called my doctor to get it refilled, and she was telling them about how I felt on the other medication and if I should go back on Eltroxin. I wasn't sure if the pharmacy I went to had them currently, so when they refilled it with the brand they had and I went in to pick it up, and they told me that my drug card didn't cover it, and I was like, what? They don't cover the ones that don't work for me, so nah, I'm not taking it! *laughs* Why pay for something that was not exactly making me feel good? They did say that the brand that works for me, is free under my drug card, so it's something to consider, so I told them to start ordering that brand, because I wasn't up to paying for the other brand, especially since it didn't work that great for me. I wasn't sure if they would switch as they didn't really specify, and when I called the Walmart pharmacy to see if they provided it, and they did, so I checked with my doctor to switch pharmacies, and when they called the Shoppers to transfer my prescription to Walmart, they found out that Shoppers did order my medicine for me, and that it was ready. one told me they were going to? *laughs* So I was okay with it and picked it up there. I started it the past week and after the first day, wow, I could really feel the difference. *laughs* I kind of perked up, woke up more, so it's quite a difference. *laughs* Oh it's better, and they have to keep getting that medicine as it works for me, not the other one. So I feel a lot better now. I have actually begun to wake up and wanting to work out, usually I wake up feeling tired, but not these days. I'm waking up and wanting to work out so it's good, I'm going back to my old routine. I hate the times when I'm so sleepy and lazy and exhausted, it really sucks. I've actually found more of Zuzana's workouts so I downloaded a lot of them and been working out with them so I'm starting to feel better. And now, this time, when I work out, I don't hurt as much as I used to. I used to hurt all over for like a few days after doing one workout and when I did the workouts, it would kill me and I'd be gasping in the end of it and be in a lot of heavy sort of pains and aches. I thought it was weird that I was so out of shape so suddenly. I figured it may have been because I haven't worked out often enough lately, so it was harder on me. But it wasn't the case, it was the case of being on the wrong medications. :/ So weird. Working out now is a lot easier again, so it's a little crazy.
One Saturday Steve wanted to go filming again, and wanted me to go with him, as I had sort of stopped going with him when he went out to film, and wanted me to go with him for this one place and since I was feeling a bit better, not so tired being back on the Eltroxin pills, I went with him. It was down at the Jones Creek Trails, a hiking trail. I wasn't sure how I would be able to go through the trails, as I have been so tired lately and so on, so I tried with Steve, and it was pretty fun. The trails are huge, and there were a lot of people, and it was a nice day even, a bit brisk, but still a nice day. I started taking pictures and going along the trails with Steve just exploring and checking out different parts of the trails. At one point I actually lost Steve as he kept going out and around off the trails and I lost him, so I tried to go and look for him along the trail, and he started freaking out and started looking for me. I had walked by a bunch of people that I had walked by earlier with Steve and he asked two ladies that I had just previously walked by, if they had seen me, and they told him where I had gone, and Steve was surprised I had gone so far, and he was afraid that he would lose me being apart like this so he went running after me. *laughs* It was a little funny though. I had no idea where he was so when I got to one point, a fork in the trail, where signs pointed to the parking lot or continue on the trails, I wasn't sure if Steve would have gone to the parking lot or continued on, and I figured that since he tends to get lost in his filming he would probably go ahead so I tried to go ahead, and soon after Steve caught up with me with the help of the two women that I had passed by at the turn. *smile* On Steve's blog he said that he had his eye caught by something off the trails and was busy filming it and he said that I "used" that opportunty to go ahead without him on the trails. I didn't use the opportunity, I was looking for him then. *laughs* I thought he was up ahead of me, I didn't know he went off the trails. :/ Typical man. It was a little funny actually. He mentioned this: "I could see her ending up sleeping a night in the woods, having to cuddle up to a black bear for body heat. ;)" I really don't think I would have gone that far! *laughs* Oh well. But it was a fun outing though, it was quite the place to explore. *smile* Steve wants to go back when it's warmer to explore it even more. It's a huge trail system, that's for sure. Here is the link to his video of the Jones Creek Trails:
I had an appointment for the Pacemaker Clinic and realized that I made the appointment where my mom couldn't make it, as she was working the entire time then, so I had asked Steve about it, if he could go to the appointment with me, and help tell me what was going on. It was pretty much the same sort of appointment as it is every time, but, there was this one weird occurence that went on in the testing room. An unfamiliar doctor came in and looked over my file, and said that it would be better for me if they lowered my heart rate range on my pacemaker, and I was like, huh? What? They just raised it just under a year or so ago, saying that it would be better for my heart if it was to a more normal range, and I actually do feel a lot better now, I have more energy and it's a lot better, I have not had any problems in all this time since then. So that's why I was surprised that this doctor said that, but it was also a doctor I had never seen before, he wasn't my regular doctor so I was like, oh jeez... So for a bit the doctor and the nurse who was working on me, was talking about it and I didn't know what was going on, all I knew was that the doctor wanted to lower my range which I really didn't want. I think the doctor and the nurse were arguing about it, and all that, Steve was having a hard time understanding the whole conversation so he couldn't really pass on the conversation to me. *smile* So I was like, freaking out at one point, and when the doctor left looking a little grumpy, the nurse then turned to me and told me what was going on. She said that he was just a resident, so he's still learning so it's okay, they weren't changing anything on me, since I was doing well right now, and was having no problems. I was like, jeez...good thing. It scared me for a minute there. *laughs* I hated the range it was on before, as I was always so tired...heh. Funny. It was a good appointment, pretty quick and then I headed to my mom's place, as she asked me if I wanted to go out shopping with her in the afternoon after the appointment, and I agreed, and she'd drive me back home when we were done.
So I went out and went shopping with my mom, looking around for some summer clothes and I ended up getting a lot. *laughs* Oops, but it'll come in useful when the weather warms up. *smile* I also got some groceries from my mom, as I normally get food for both Steve and me as he covers the bill for the TV, phone and internet, but it was getting a bit expensive, as you know, with how expensive food can be. :/ So my mom offered to buy me one batch of groceries to help tide me over for the next few weeks of May. It was a good afternoon, we even went out for an early supper, late lunch at Denny's. It was a good afternoon just catching up with her and seeing what was up. When it was over, when we both were all shopped out, John then drove me home with my mom, and Josh. It was a good day, though I was really tired by the time I got home. *laughs* Oh well.
The start of May has been generally pretty quiet with me just going back to my normal activity schedule I used to have before I moved to Brockville, with me working out here and there, and just cleaning up, and doing odd stuff around the place. *smile* With some odd outings here and there. It's been good.
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