Friday, February 17, 2012

A Quiet Little While and the Baby Shower

Time seems to just fly on by!  It's again been busy, but at the same time not.  For one thing I have been sick for over a week and just finally got over it, and Steve was sick for a few days before I got mine.  Figures.  Time had been just going by for us, with some intervals where we would go out to different places and take pictures and film.  Steve just started working more and more, so I was seeing him less, and when we had time off, we'd go out and check out different places, we went to Charleston Lake, and another abandoned house that Steve had found on the drive to Kingston in January when I went in Kingston to visit and go shopping for computer items and parts and some purchases I needed to make with my Christmas money. *smile*

The abandoned house we went to was pretty much falling apart, and an empty husk of a house, so we were just around the property taking pictures and filming, as you couldn't really go inside as the floor was pretty much falling apart.  It was insane!  But it was cool to check out though. *smile*  You can see the video on Steve's Vimeo page or below:

Husk (HD) from Steve Savage on Vimeo.

It was interesting...I didn't even go in, because I didn't want to walk on such rickety floors in fears of falling through them. Steve tried and it just freaked me out a little. It was funny though. *smile* Another weekend Steve felt like going to Charleston Lake and filming...his creative bug had been nagging at him so he kept feeling like going out to film all the time. It was hard for me to, because it was just so cold out there back in January so taking pictures was just really hard to do. Oh well, but I got some good shots anyway. The Charleston Lake video that Steve did is in this link:

January (HD) from Steve Savage on Vimeo.

My pictures for those two videos are in my photo page, of course. *smile* We were filming and going out a lot, and around mid-January we decided to get out of the apartment and went out to play some pool at Sam's Brass Racks. We played some pool and just checked out the bar, as Steve had never been there before, so it was good. I still like Raxx's in Kingston better...but it's a place to go to occasionally in Brockville. Though I did recently find out that Raxx's was going to be open in Brockville, and Steve and I even went to see where the location was, and it's extremely close to us, funny enough. It's still not open yet, so that's unfortunate, but when it opens up, I'll be checking it out, definitely! But it was still good to check out Sam's Brass Racks and play some pool and just get out of the apartment for a little bit that time.

I also made an appointment for Violet to go back to the vet, to check to make sure her kidneys were doing fine. I was supposed to bring her back to the vet within a month, but because I had just moved and there was just too much commotion going on with the recent move, and Christmas and New Years, so I finally made an appointment to check Violet back in January and check when I could get her declawed. The appointment was good, though Violet really wasn't a happy camper then, being back to the vet. Heh...and she was back to normal and the vet said I could make another appointment to get her declawed as she was looking good. I then decided to opt out at the moment as it was a little steep cost wise, and just wait a little bit. Oh well, when I can afford it, I may bring her back but for now it's okay. Steve just has learned to keep away from her or pet her when she isn't looking so she doesn't attack him. Heh.

Anyway, I got invited to go to my good friend, Kathaleen's baby shower in February so I was going back and forth trying to figure out the whole baby shower and when, how I could make it down and what to bring and so on, and what to get her. There was a lot of details that needed to be covered so I got that figured out in January, and Steve said he would probably visit some friends while in Ottawa while I was at the shower, and at one point he said he was going to go to Ottawa that very night and go to the Sens game with a bunch of his volunteers, but that fell through a few days before, so he just was okay with dropping me off and then going to his friend's place to hang out and talk with him. He even invited me to go to the Sens game with everybody, and I would have liked to check that out, because I haven't been to a NHL game live before, so oh well. Too bad it fell through, maybe another time. Heh. The baby shower turned out to be pretty fun...I got there, and met with a lot of my old friends. One of the first people I met up with was my old friend Christine, who was hosting the party at her house, along with Kat's couple of friends, Kristina and Krista. Then there was my old friend Veronica who came up to me with her mom, who also came to the baby shower, so it was pretty good, just talking to everybody and catching up and meeting different people that Kat knew from work, from college, and some deaf friends. It was a good gathering, and when Kat came in she looked to be surprised and I could see she was actually getting pretty big now being so close to her due date. Heh...It was funny seeing her like that. She's due pretty soon so it was kind of cool hearing about it all. Her mom was also there, and I used to know her from when I used to go to Kat's farm to just hang for the weekends.

When we got there, we started eating all the potluck food for our lunches, and then settled down to eat, and then we watched Kat open up all her gifts. She got a lot so it was pretty funny watching her open them all. Since I had brought my DSLR camera, I got handed the job of being the photographer. :( I wasn't expecting that, I was just shooting pictures of everybody and just having fun. I got to catch up with new news, new events and new people, so it was a nice day. When it was over, Kat was ready to go back home as she was exhausted and needed rest. Heh, nothing new with that, so I then texted Steve around 5pm to pick me up and go back to Brockville. It was a nice day, just talking to everybody so it was good. I need to do that more often, the only person I seem to talk to is Steve and that's not quite the same. *smile* Heh...

Hmm, what else? It has been a quiet month of January actually, with some ice storms out there. I was glad I didn't have to go out in them, because one of them was pretty bad. I think Steve has one video of all the trees covered in ice so it was pretty ridiculous. :/ I'm just glad I didn't have to go out in any of that weather. Heh. Funny though. I even did some job searching in the past little while and there's not really that many jobs in Brockville, though one came up in January and I applied to it, but heard nothing from them, so that was unfortunate. Oh well!

Since I was sick for a week, and just recently got over it - I ended up being sick for Valentine's Day, so that was just too bad for Steve. *laughs* It was a little funny actually. We just exchanged chocolates and Valentine's cards to each other and I went back to sleeping the rest of the day. Haha...I was really sick with that cold flu. Wow. You can even see how sick I was when Steve decided to play around with his video camera one day playing with macro shots - I had no idea until he uploaded the video on Vimeo! If I had known I would have told him not to upload it. Grrr...some men... *rolls eyes* Most of it has Violet in it so it's not too bad. *smile* It's in this video:

Detailed (HD) from Steve Savage on Vimeo.

I guess that's been my time the last little while. Very quiet and pretty much uneventful except for a few events. *smile*