Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Insane Relatives, a Potluck BBQ, and Friends

It has been a stupendously busy little while lately!!  Holy crap.  At least for the previous weekend…that was a great, great weekend though, and a good change from my usual routine.  And I have had some crazy and surprising things come up, which has been not so great, but I think I have to put those not so great things out here later on, on my blog as they have been related to this blog.

I have been relaxing and having a really slow little while since I returned from the cottage.  I got to see my friend Liz last weekend, before she left to go to the US for a couple of weeks, and it was nice.  I haven’t talked to her in a bit, and we just sat around and talked and caught up, so it was kind of nice. We just mellowed out at my place and just talked, then she had to go back home to finish up with her packing and help her mom with some stuff.  It was good seeing her, and the funny thing, Violet had no problems with Liz…at first Liz wasn’t sure, and I wasn’t too positive because of how Violet was around Steve, and told Liz about her personality and she was a little unsure, and then Violet was all glued on her and rolled around near her asking to be petted…So I guess she just has an aversion to males, not females.  Probably a cause of my ex-husband.  She loves females for some funny reason.  Heh.  I was relieved, I really didn’t want to deal with her hissing fits if she ever got that bad…but she was her own sweet self around Liz so that was nice.  Just too bad that my cat has a weird aversion to males, hopefully I will be able to find some more male friends that have a big thing for cats and are around a bit and know how to deal with getting my normally sweet cat to warm up to them.

The past weekend though, has been extremely busy.  I’ve been helping out with the cleaning out of the garage back here, and it’s so much better now.  My mom rented a moving truck to toss out all the garbage that was in the garage, and it actually got filled to the brim.  It was that much garbage that was in there…all the broken drywall, insulation, and bags of garbage from when my ex ripped down all the damaged drywall and stuff from the raccoons, but he never got around to tossing them to the dump, so we did that…and then sorted through the garage and organized everything: seasonal things that were in bins (Christmas stuff, old stuff, and things like that), things that we were going to sell, things that were going to be picked up by odd people, and tools all in one group.  We can now walk in freely and get the things we need…the things we ended up throwing out, was a lot actually.  Wow.  But it really, really, really looks a lot better in the garage so it’s terrific.  It used to be packed right to the seams so having a place to actually walk around and store necessary stuff and get them out and back in is a lot better now.

The previous weekend was crazy.  Friday night I decided to meet up with a guy, Josh, that I had been talking to pretty regularly online for a while and he was a lot of fun to talk to, and we got along really well, so we decided to have a friendly meeting. Just to get to know each other in person, and we met at the Confederation Park and sat down and chatted it up.  I have a tendency to chat it up with new people online without a problem but I find that sometimes when I meet them in person they aren’t as chatty or they have a hard time dealing with my deafness and so on…with Josh I had absolutely no problem.  He was very friendly and was easy to get along with, so it was pretty fun.  We then got up after two hours of chatting at the water foundation and then went walking around downtown and just talking and talking and then went back to the docks and checked out the water and just talked.  We got along really well and I did enjoy myself…it was really nice to be around someone who could make me so comfortable to be with. *smile*  And that day, he was suffering floods in his place…that morning there was a horrible downpour that pretty much flooded a lot of downtown Kingston, the city was submerged under a inch of water up to knee high water, hip high water in some areas of Kingston which was absolutely insane…My house was lucky, and it had no flood in the basement so it was good…but I do remember it raining so hard that it was awful.  I had been talking to Josh online earlier that day and he had been stuck cleaning his apartment as he lives in a basement apartment and his place had been flooded, so it was awful really.  I felt bad for him.  Yikes!!  Oh well…but we were talking and I asked if he wanted to get out of his place, with it being so wet, and to meet up and just talk and get out of the house.  He agreed and we then met up and talked…it was a good night.  I then headed back home as I had to be up early as I needed to go shopping with my mom for baby items and do groceries…oh joy.

I later found out that several other people I knew had problems with the heavy downpour as well, there were a lot that suffered damages to their places so it was bad…wow.  Oh well.  I got lucky so it’s a relief actually.

Saturday I ended up going shopping with my mom, looking around for different baby stuff for my brother’s baby…it was interesting what was out there… *L*  Lots of funny and weird stuff in the stores, but some were pretty cute…lots of stuff to pick out and choose.  That took a few hours to do, and then I headed out and did some groceries.  It was a nice day out in town doing things I needed to do.

That night, my brother decided to email me and ask me to not mention anything about anything relating with family and too much information about family and stuff…I was like, what are you talking about?  The only thing I remember saying anything about the outside family was over a year ago when there was all the commotion going on with my uncle Mark when he stayed at my mom’s place because he split up with his ex-girlfriend after he cheated on her, and all the stuff that was told to me by my uncle or other family, and I was of course surprised but it was just their thing.  And that was over a year ago.  I barely said much about them just my opinions on what was going on…I didn’t like my uncle’s affair to start with, so when I was stuck hearing all about the stuff that was happening starting from the affair, I started noticing bad stuff come up everywhere, about the wrong people, and of course I was stressed out and dealing with them, but most things I talked about were minor, such as my uncle had an affair and he had two kids and so on, and stuff like that, and everything…Jase was telling me that certain people were questioning him about things that I was letting off my chest, and I told him they weren’t entirely mad, at least one aunt I know for sure, because mom hung out with her for a while after the break up and she knew about what I said in my blog and asked about it, then she was fine with it all.  We had all realized that my uncle was doing a lot of lying when he was telling us about what happened, so she was a bit mad but once we all talked it out, and it turned out to be fine.  We just found out that my uncle Mark was lying about everything in sight.  Heh…but it’s all good now anyway.  It also was the rest of the family, mostly the males that had problems with what I said.  If they don’t like me stating my opinions: how I don’t support family members having affairs or cheating or lying, I will mention it, and if they don’t like it, they can talk directly to me.  Several have and it’s been worked out just fine.  Heh…this is just definitely not something I want from people, or a friend myself, nor from my family.  As long as my family members know how to behave and keep themselves together, they then won’t become fodder for my words online. Heh…

My brother is just simply trying to get close, or at least neutral to a lot of his outside family for his upcoming kid’s sake, and I totally get that.  One good thing I haven’t even seen a couple of them for over a year so it helps.  Heh.  If they stay in a good place, or in a neutral place, in my life, and I don’t know what is going on in the choices they make, I will be good, and won’t say anything. Hehe…I guess my brother was just trying to make peace, but I told him that it was not likely that there would be peace between two sides of the family (my mom’s side and the other uncles side), but if he wants to get along with them, he can…no one would stop him.  He can go ahead and get chummy with them.  It doesn’t bother us, or anyone else either.

I just wish that the people who have problems with my blog would contact me directly.  They can in the emails that I have listed in Facebook and anywhere else and so on. *laughs* That would make it easier than just putting my brother in the middle…he has nothing to do with my blog, he’s all hands off on all that. *smile*  I’m the author, not my brother.  But it’s been a long time since I have talked about family, so oh well.  Things are nice and quiet now so it’s all nice and peaceful for me. Heh…I do know that if people who don’t like anything I mention in my blog, they can contact me directly and ask me to remove anything or edit something, they are welcome to.  No one does very much, they are generally good with it, but if they think they need to, they are allowed to, and welcome to.  I do get people asking me to omit some information and it works out fine, and if they are flexible I know.  So it’s all good, so you all don’t need to worry.  If they don’t like it and don’t contact me, that’s their own fault. :)  But I haven’t talked about family in a long, long time now.  It doesn’t bother me if anyone wants something edited or omitted, just not to the point where the edit is a lie though.  Heh…If I have to change my opinions, I’ll just omit the whole story if necessary. Haha…

All right, what else?  Oh, I had forgotten about the invitation that my friend Christine had given me a while back for a housewarming party of her new house and she was having a potluck BBQ at her place and a bunch of people were invited.  I was invited a while back but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to get a ride, I didn’t really want to get a train in and back, so…so I wasn’t sure and didn’t hear from anybody else who was also invited, so I figured I wouldn’t be able to make it, then my brother surprised me by calling me on Sunday morning the day of the BBQ; which I thought was a junk call and didn’t answer.  It was at like 9:30 in the morning when he called, and that’s early for a Sunday morning, and when my mom realized that Jase and Kelly had called my mom woke me around 11 am saying that they were going to Christine’s potluck party and they were going to be here very soon, and I was like, holy…I need to wake up first. haha…so I tried to get ready fast and then they arrived.  I finished getting cleaned up and then 30 minutes after they arrived I finally was able to get out and get in the car and ready to go… It was a bit hard to do actually. *smile* I had headed off to bed quite late the night before so that really didn’t help.

On the way to Ottawa, I was just talking to Jase and Kelly about things that were going on and the such like…then we stopped at a store in Ottawa to pick up some food for the potluck and then we got to Christine’s place and just got introduced to everybody there, and saw Kat and Derek there, they both looked tired as heck though, as they had just come back from camping over the weekend and Kat wanted to say hey… she was only going to be there for a short bit, and then head back home and crash.  We talked a bit but Christine kept asking me to join her and talk to the whole group. Haha…normal! Kat was talking quite a bit with Jase and Kelly.  But at least I got some new news and new things that were going on in her life, so that was good, but it definitely was a brief visit with her. She was tired from camping so oh well.  Funny though.  I will have to see her sometime again in the summer, in a different time.

Kat and Derek left after a hour or so, and then I was just sitting around talking to everybody who was at the party…interpreters, people that Christine were friends with and so on, so it was good.  Just chatting it up and catching up, and getting to know different people.  It was nice.  Slowly people started to leave and I was still staying around and talking to who was left.  There were some people that were familiar to me, one guy I had worked with as a camp counselor was there, and when I worked as a counselor there he was still a high school student.  Now he’s in his second year of college, so it was a little funny.  He was always a really nice guy anyway, so all good.  There were a lot of females and guys at the party, so there was a lot of introductions made and so on, and talking about our lives and so on, work, love lives, mostly work, and being deaf and acquiring work and so on… *smile*

I finally ate at around 6 after most people had left, I wasn’t hungry at the time I arrived for the potluck around 2 so I didn’t eat anything, and was just talking to everybody, Cris and Christine mostly…Cris was definitely in a silly mood all day so it was an entertaining day watching all the people talk.  Christine even mentioned that I had seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and I was like, yeah, I have.  The last time I saw her was at Kat’s wedding so that was a long time ago, and I was a bit bigger then, though I did gain a lot more after the wedding…and all of that, I lost.  So it was interesting to hear her say that.  She even reminded me that I went with her when Christine met Cris for the first time, and I couldn’t remember that. *laughs*  So it was kind of funny hearing her talk about that, and how she still has one picture from that day and would try to dig it up while unpacking for her new home and send a copy to me.  Hmm, interesting, that’s for sure.  They have been together for 11 years now, so that’s…wow, amazing.  It was a good day actually just talking and seeing their whole house (their place was definitely really nice!). I think we finally left around 8:30 in the night…the three of us (Jase, Kelly and I) were so tired by then, so the drive home was quiet, except for one thing. Haha…Jase got the surprise of his life when a cop started flashing his lights at him and wanted him to pull over and Jase was like, I was only going 110? So both Jase and Kelly were freaking out, then the cop came to the window and said that he wanted to let them know that their back lights weren’t on or broken. It was getting dark by then and they needed to turn it on. Kelly did think the cop was pretty hot so it was a little funny actually. Heh…Just a little funny, Jase did get scared. I know he loves to drive, but I can’t imagine being pulled over would be something he’d love, so I was actually mocking him afterwards, doesn’t it make you love driving now? Heh…It was entertaining for such a quiet drive back home.

The past couple of days have been quiet, with some crazy stuff going on with all the garage items that we had that we wanted to get rid of; some steel items (old fridge, dehumidifier, push lawnmower, very old window frames and etcetera), some broken items; some old furniture in the garage that John had gotten from his brother and was going to sell.  There were a lot of items and the past little while John has been busy talking to various people who were interested in the items.  It was unbelievable how many people wanted crappy stuff for free, really.  It was all items that we didn’t need or want anymore, and the old furniture John is trying to sell and it’s a little tougher.  Oh well.  But it’s been interesting what kind of people have been around. Haha.

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