Friday, January 13, 2012

Christmas and a Surprise Marriage

Yet another blog entry where I say it’s been a crazy little while.  What’s with life these days?  I finally dropped off all my lease stuff and information about my living situation at disability, to get it over with just before Christmas, as they had decided to send me a cheque with just living expenses on it, omitting the rent expenses on it as they didn’t know what it was yet.  So I had to go to my landlord and get the lease signed and then bring the lease to disability and get it straightened out.  Christmas was great, and a lot of fun…I was extremely busy the past December unpacking and getting the place back together, getting it back to feeling like home.  Steve was having a few days off during Christmas from work, so he was off Christmas Eve till Boxing Day, luckily it landed on the weekend so it helped a bit.  So we finally got all our stuff ready for Christmas, decorations and presents all wrapped up and all that stuff, and I tried to clear out the place so that there was more space for when we celebrated our bit of Christmas in the morning before heading out to Kingston.  Steve was all sniffling that he wanted to have a videocamera for the holiday of Christmas, so I grudgingly went with him to Henry’s so he could look at cameras and get one for himself, so that he could film during Christmas. *smile*

On Christmas Eve, we watched some Christmas movies, relaxed, and then headed to bed.  In the morning both of us got up and headed right to open our little bit of gifts to each other, and I was surprised to see that I got a new scanner.  I had purchased myself a new computer earlier in December as my old one had crashed, and my old scanner wouldn’t work with the new computer as the plug in the back was too old for it.  So I was all disappointed, but that was just a week or two before Christmas so that’s why I was surprised I got a scanner. Haha… I know scanners seem old to most people, but I need them for when I do some graphic design work and sometimes scanners are just necessary.  Oh well.  Fun for me!  Anyway, I got a new scanner, some stocking stuffers and a couple of DVDs, Friends with Benefits, and a collection of four movies in one (The LakehouseForever YoungSommersbyMessage in a Bottle) new slippers (they were leopard print which surprised me…I normally don’t get that, so it was just funny), some books, chocolate, socks, a Hello Kitty t-shirt, and all those stuff.  It’s really funny giving Steve gifts as he gets so happy with whatever he gets.  He’s almost like a little kid on Christmas, that’s for sure!

We then relaxed, ate, and then got ready to head out to my mom’s place and his mom’s place both in Kingston for Christmas day to celebrate a bit with them. We drove over to Kingston, and Steve wanted to stop at his mom’s for a little bit first, before going to my mom’s, as we were having dinner with them.  So we headed out to his mom’s to say hi and to wish them a Merry Christmas.  Everyone was just talking about their mornings, and it was a short visit at his mom’s.  After around half a hour to a hour, we then headed out to my mom’s.  When we got there, we found that my brother had fallen ill that day, and was not able to make it to her place for Christmas Day.  Kelly decided to go to her mom’s in Smith Falls with Zaiden instead of Kingston to celebrate with her family and leave Jase alone so he could recuperate on his own.  So it turned out to be just my mom, John, me, Steve, and John’s two sons, Josh and Jordy for the dinner.  They had booked Christmas dinner at the same place we went to last year, at Aquaterra restaurant.  When Steve and I got to my mom’s place, we then mellowed out and just talked to everybody and opened more presents.  I knew most of the presents I was going to get, as I had gone shopping with my mom and she purchased most of my presents from Westboro, so it was mostly familiar gifts for me.  Heh…I got a cat necklace, some earrings, a pair of boots (which are so nice actually, I wasn’t sure if they would be, but they really are!), Chinese checkers, and some odd stuff.  It was nice, and Steve did a lot of goofing off along with John so it was a lot of silly stuff going on. Then we finally could go to the restaurant, as we made reservations at 7:30 in the night of Christmas day, so it felt really late and everyone was hungry.  We then went to the restaurant and then mellowed out, after a few minute wait outside the restaurant, just talking and goofing off there.  It was a nice dinner with everyone just eating and goofing off, of course.  It was fewer people than we had last year, but it was still nice nevertheless. *smile*

When dinner was over, everyone was so full and stomaches hurting – after all we all finished at around 9 in the night, and no one was used to eating so late in the night unfortunately. Heh…when dinner was over, Steve and I drove back to Brockville, and then we relaxed, I think we ended up playing board games that night. *smile*  It was a good day.  The next day I just mellowed out with Steve and started playing around with all the items that we had received, and just relaxed. I also went shopping to spend some money on the gift cards that Steve and I got. *smile*  I got some cash as well, so I headed out to look for a watch as I had lost my old watch previously, like a few months ago.  I always feel naked without a watch on – don’t ask me why, I just do.  I picked up a new Roots watch and it’s quite nice actually.  I also picked up some movies in Walmart, with my Christmas money, such as Something Borrowed, and the such like.  It was nice.  Steve actually came down with a 24 hour stomach flu at one point after Christmas so that was pretty crazy for him.  I hope I don’t get it, but I seem okay so far.

New Years was pretty quiet – Steve and I just stayed at home and watched the New Years celebrations going on on television, played some board games and just mellowed out.  It was a quiet New Years this year for me.  New Years Day, on the other hand…we went out to a park, Brown’s Bay around half a hour away from home, and just photographed the water and the shore and the nature…it turned out to be freezing that day though!!  Haha…It was horribly cold so photographing different things was actually pretty hard to do. Heh…

I even went out a couple of days with Steve to photograph different places, as Steve had a week off after New Years, and all he wanted to do was go out and film and explore and experiment with his new videocamera.  So I ended up going with him to some places, one abandoned building, and to Charleston Lake to photograph, and it was actually pretty cold those days we went out to photograph and film.  *sigh*  But Steve stayed in a lot too, just relaxing and getting himself back together before he returned back to work the next week.

I then started getting back to my own routine, or at least tried to.  I’m actually still adjusting to living in Brockville, and trying to get used to it, along with living with someone else, it’s been a challenge but quite the experience.  It’s also funny, a few days after New Years I got a surprise message and comment on Facebook from my brother’s girlfriend, where it said that Kelly was married, and I was thrown, I asked her about it, and no reply, then talked to a bunch of people and then I checked my phone and Jase had sent me a text with a picture that I was unable to open, so I talked to Jase on my cell phone and he was telling me that he actually got married the other day with Helen as the minister and a couple of witnesses.  I was surprised actually, because my brother had been putting off getting married with Kelly for a while, kept saying that he was not ready to do it now and so on, so on…but he had decided to re-propose on Christmas Day, and then planned on getting married as quickly as possible so to just get it over with.  I’m guessing it was because of Zaiden, but I have no idea, just an assumption of mine.  They have been engaged a while and Jase kept freaking out about the fact that Kelly wanted a big wedding.  Not surprising, he is like myself, where he dislikes having so many people there watching him and her getting married or anything like that.  So this way worked out well for him, for sure.  Heh…I’m still adjusting to the sudden knowledge that they are married now. Haha…funny though.  It’s good anyway, it’s over and done with now for them. *smile*

It’s been an interesting little while, but things are now settling down and getting better, at least with the unpacking – most of it got done after New Years, so it’s feeling a lot better here.  I still have to look ahead and see what I should do next from here on.

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